
Back in Nicaland

Well we have been here over a month and we are finally getting a little something for the blog.
We are going to try to focus on telling the story through photographs in place of words. Less words, more pictures.

This morning at 6:30 I went to the market.

We got a bunch of stuff for under 5 bucks.

Then we went to the service groups, it's unusual but today the men outnumbered the women.

The group walking to the territory.

The little boy I worked with today is 7, his name is Juan Carlos. His zeal is amazing. He rushes from door to door, you have to keep your eye on him. He will do every door if you let him. He has a presentation that involves using 2 or 3 verses. At one door this morning a man wanted me to explain the 2nd death, Juan Carlos looked at me and asked if he could explain it. He did, and needless to say the man was impressed. It's not unusual to find young ones here with the same zeal to preach.

Juan Carlos is on the right, his cousin Edgar is on the left.

On the way home from service I ran into the garbage truck. Pretty dangerous work.

Our street is right in the center, and all the festivals go down right here. Which translates as pure noise into the night. These shots are of our street, they are setting up for something tonight. Looks like it may be hard to sleep.

Overall, everything is going great. Having fun being busy. If you give us a comment we will send you an air hug.


  1. Sonj says: Yay!! I've always wanted an air lug!!!
    Awesome pics! And awesome zealous seven year olds!
    Can't wait to see and hear more of your adventures!!
    Take care!!

  2. Thanks Sonj, watch out for the air hug.

  3. Brenda and I are reading and enjoying this together as part of out F.W.E. Could we get 2 air lugs if it wouldn't be too much trouble? We could both use one.... Brenda more than me....just sayin'

    1. Thanks guys! Good to hear from you. The air lugs are in flight.

  4. Will enjoy the pics and blog. Air hug back.

    1. Mar, thanks for following and keeping in touch.

  5. Love the pics! Keep them coming. The girlies say hi and Mavis said to tell you she misses you. Keep up the good work and sharing tales of your Nicaraguan Adventures!

  6. Awesome guys! Glad you converted to blogspot:) Love the pics and experiences can't wait to see you down there. AIR HUG AND CHEEK KISS!

    1. Cool. How are your plans going? Thanks for the cheek kiss. It fits right in. Hispana style.

  7. We shared the Juan Carlos story with the friends at the hall on Sunday with regards to young ones abilities to reflect God's glory. Thanks for that!

  8. I liekz piczures. Anyway, it's good to hear from you, and to hear that things are going well. I'm not sure of many seven year old kids that can explain the second death, so that story was cool. It does remind me of the Watchtower, too, where that young girl is shown doing prayerful study, among other spiritual things. Even young ones can make advancement in the truth, and that is definitely commendable. I look forward to the next blog, and keep up the good work.

    1. Thanks Gary. It can be motivating to watch the young ones out do you at the doors.
